1.   And as you teach all subjects in the Junior School, you will be able to let Art enliven all your work.

2.   Choice One of the crucial Decisions, now, is whether to teach a subject discretely, or to integrate.

3.   Social sciences are poised for a revival in schools but will there be enough qualified staff to teach the subjects?

4.   The amendment required that all teachers be certified to teach the subjects to which they were assigned.

5.   I should have to teach all subjects except art, which he taught himself.

6.   Schools choose teachers to carry out a specific duty, to teach specific subjects and to contribute to the school at large.

7.   This marriage between epidemiology and statistics is reinforced in schools of public health, where the subjects are usually taught in parallel.

8.   He says they may have to stop teaching some subjects.

v. + subject >>共 447
change 9.94%
broach 6.16%
raise 6.16%
discuss 5.52%
address 3.36%
study 2.94%
teach 2.76%
bring 2.02%
cover 1.93%
tackle 1.84%
teach + n. >>共 829
class 7.32%
child 6.20%
course 5.99%
student 3.20%
skill 2.96%
lesson 2.82%
history 2.60%
law 1.75%
school 1.49%
subject 1.42%
每页显示:    共 60