1.   Until that changes, the Tobin tax will remain on the drawing board.

2.   As a result, school millage taxes rose in Long Beach this year while taxes remained unchanged in Gulfport.

3.   A luxury tax on payrolls remains the thorniest issue.

4.   But Covello ruled that the changes did not substantially affect the original ruling, as the taxes remained in place.

5.   But utility rates and medical insurance costs remain out of line, and corporate taxes remain a mess.

6.   For this, the capital gains tax remained a tradeoff for Clinton, aides and analysts said.

7.   Gas taxes remain highly unpopular in America.

8.   It appears likely that the Missouri tax will remain lower for a while.

9.   Most delegates said federal taxes remained the most important issue at the conference.

10.   Republicans on the conference committee reportedly are leaning toward dropping the health-insurance requirement from the bill, but the tax remains alive.

n. + remain >>共 1272
question 1.83%
market 1.57%
investor 1.56%
inflation 1.40%
price 1.29%
issue 1.20%
people 1.10%
problem 1.03%
economy 0.90%
difference 0.88%
tax 0.06%
tax + v. >>共 362
be 29.35%
cut 10.03%
break 6.03%
go 3.65%
have 2.19%
pay 1.69%
apply 1.65%
make 1.42%
rise 1.38%
help 1.27%
remain 1.00%
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