1.   But such taxes would also increase the cost of capital for those countries which could least afford it.

2.   If these taxes increase the price of all products in proportion to their original price, they distort Market preferences relatively little.

3.   The new tax will increase the cost of owning a car.

4.   After the tax increases in the budget of this year o on April which are in to be introduced in April the first.

5.   Assuming the deficit reduction is not ahead of schedule, taxes would increase again just as the next presidential election cycle begins four years from now.

6.   Blair conceded that fuel taxes have increased at a faster rate than inflation for two years.

7.   - Tobacco tax increases.

8.   Business leaders worry that unemployment payroll taxes will increase because so much money has been diverted from the fund.

9.   But cutting excise taxes would increase the pressure on the government to make unpopular cuts in programs and spending.

10.   But taxes increased through much of that period, so disposable income for many workers actually declined.

n. + increase >>共 1887
price 2.63%
company 2.41%
government 2.38%
rate 2.26%
number 2.05%
sale 1.73%
cloud 1.27%
cost 1.23%
pressure 1.22%
tension 1.22%
tax 0.32%
tax + v. >>共 362
be 29.35%
cut 10.03%
break 6.03%
go 3.65%
have 2.19%
pay 1.69%
apply 1.65%
make 1.42%
rise 1.38%
help 1.27%
increase 1.19%
每页显示:    共 31