1.   It ended tax favors that had encouraged clearing of the Amazon rain forest,and agreed to a plan to finance new forest protection projects.

2.   For example, tax systems favor saving for a pension in old age far more than ordinary saving that can be spent at any time of life.

3.   In addition, two lawyers in private practice have admitted being bagmen for clients seeking tax favors.

4.   In fact, the estate tax does not really hit the rich as much as people who favor the tax may think, said an opponent of the tax.

5.   To date, four city tax officials have pleaded or have been found guilty of taking bribes for tax favors.

6.   A special hearing cleared local officials of granting the Graf family any special tax favors.

7.   A special hearing has cleared local officials of granting the Graf family any tax favors.

8.   Critics have said his tax plan favors the wealthy, and that a voucher provision in his schools proposal would drain money away from struggling public schools.

n. + favor >>共 88
government 23.16%
tax 4.52%
year 3.39%
business 2.82%
investor 2.82%
day 2.26%
por 2.26%
administration 1.69%
company 1.69%
curry 1.69%
tax + n. >>共 344
cut 17.59%
break 7.21%
increase 4.27%
credit 3.87%
revenue 3.87%
bill 2.85%
rate 2.82%
law 2.19%
system 1.98%
code 1.93%
favor 0.03%
每页显示:    共 8