1.   This poses a conundrum for businesses leaders wanting to take advantage of, for example, the Research and Development tax credit.

2.   Research and experimentation tax credits to private businesses exploring technological advances.

3.   And a permanent extension of the research and development experimentation tax credit.

4.   But gone are previous proposals to provide refundable tax credits for poor families in two categories -- those with children and those that incur expenses for adoption.

5.   Child tax credits, school vouchers and, so help me, government funding of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting!

6.   Gore favors universal pre-kindergarten and a multibillion-dollar expansion of federal funding for child care, including tax credits for businesses and families.

7.   Tax incentives for adoption and an elderly dependent care tax credit.

8.   Under the plan, Bradley would give lower income families and individuals tax credits to help pay for premiums.

9.   Unspent trade dollars create cash-flow problems and tax-liability issues because credits are taxed as income when they are received, he said.

v. + credit >>共 404
give 18.20%
take 12.25%
get 10.09%
deserve 9.64%
claim 5.67%
receive 3.75%
tighten 2.54%
provide 2.34%
extend 2.26%
use 1.72%
tax 0.18%
tax + n. >>共 345
deductible 5.77%
income 4.93%
cut 3.98%
profit 2.52%
sale 2.20%
revenue 2.10%
money 1.68%
company 1.47%
earnings 1.47%
benefit 1.36%
credit 0.94%
每页显示:    共 9