1.   Business would be taxed similarly.

2.   Businesses would be taxed on total revenues less expenditures for goods and services, labor, equipment and land.

3.   Congress could tax businesses on the value of the incentives they receive from states, or it could deny federal funding to states that get into bidding wars.

4.   Currently, only incorporated businesses are taxed in Texas.

5.   Mayor Richard Riordan said the city is robbing from its future unless it overhauls the way it taxes businesses.

6.   New York is not the only state grappling with the problem of how to tax businesses on reservations without violating the sovereignty of Indian nations.

7.   Stiles said Texas must tax all businesses equally and close loopholes.

8.   Under still undisclosed terms, the Palestinian Authority will get a share of the production and can tax the business.

v. + business >>共 684
do 25.56%
have 3.61%
conduct 3.37%
run 2.91%
start 2.25%
expand 2.17%
sell 1.54%
lose 1.41%
build 1.34%
hurt 1.24%
tax 0.05%
tax + n. >>共 345
deductible 5.77%
income 4.93%
cut 3.98%
profit 2.52%
sale 2.20%
revenue 2.10%
money 1.68%
company 1.47%
earnings 1.47%
benefit 1.36%
business 0.84%
每页显示:    共 8