1.   I took the lid off and tasted the soup.

2.   Taste the soup and add salt and pepper if necessary.

3.   Taste the soup and adjust the seasoning.

4.   Always taste the soup before serving to adjust seasonings.

5.   Dewberry bustles around the kitchen, tasting homemade soup and pulling silverware out of drawers.

6.   Taste soup again and adjust for salt, spice and vinegar.

7.   Taste soup and adjust seasoning if necessary.

8.   Taste the soup before serving and adjust the seasonings to your liking.

9.   Taste the soup and adjust the seasoning if necessary.

10.   Taste the soup.

v. + soup >>共 170
make 9.85%
serve 8.97%
ladle 7.21%
puree 4.12%
eat 3.68%
stir 2.35%
have 2.35%
pour 1.91%
drink 1.76%
return 1.62%
taste 1.62%
taste + n. >>共 286
food 4.71%
wine 4.41%
success 4.12%
defeat 3.38%
victory 3.09%
difference 2.79%
room 2.65%
sauce 2.50%
fruit 2.21%
soup 1.62%
每页显示:    共 11