1.   Rated R for language and bad taste humor.

2.   Rated R for nudity and bad taste humor.

3.   Rated PG for some bad taste humor.

4.   Rated R for bad taste humor.

n. + humor >>共 109
bathroom 19.16%
gross-out 8.41%
slapstick 5.61%
toilet 5.14%
absurdist 4.67%
sitcom 2.34%
taste 1.87%
clubhouse 1.40%
put-down 1.40%
graveyard 0.93%
taste + n. >>共 113
test 24.47%
maker 4.26%
sensation 3.55%
treat 2.84%
tester 2.84%
memory 2.84%
preference 2.48%
difference 2.13%
receptor 2.13%
change 1.77%
humor 1.42%
每页显示:    共 4