1.   Like most other nurses at that time, Bob was used to task allocation.

2.   This was task allocation taken to its ultimate extreme.

3.   We have considered the possibility that task allocation really serves the organisation, which is therefore the real client.

4.   Task allocation was mentioned in over a third of agreements, its relative frequency indicating the importance of such matters to trade union activity.

n. + allocation >>共 97
asset 25.79%
budget 12.44%
resource 8.37%
fund 3.85%
ticket 3.62%
water 2.94%
share 2.49%
land 2.04%
time 1.81%
portfolio 1.81%
task 0.90%
task + n. >>共 61
group 11.46%
bar 11.46%
team 11.46%
light 5.10%
list 5.10%
lighting 5.10%
mail 3.82%
message 3.18%
allocation 2.55%
analysis 2.55%
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