1.   I drove through a street Market, up and down hills, in and out of alleyways, through tarpaper shacks.

2.   In a vacant lot along Pope Street, a tarpaper shack sits amid overgrown kudzu.

3.   Migrants mostly lived in tarpaper shacks called Hoovervilles, in mock tribute to President Herbert Hoover.

4.   She was raised in a tarpaper shack, picked cotton and hoed tobacco for a white family.

5.   She was raised up in a tarpaper shack, picked cotton and hoed tobacco for a white family.

6.   These one-time dues allowed the squatters to erect their tarpaper shacks.

n. + shack >>共 88
one-room 9.94%
plywood 4.97%
shotgun 4.97%
guard 3.87%
seafood 3.31%
tarpaper 3.31%
two-room 3.31%
clapboard 2.76%
caddie 2.21%
cinderblock 2.21%
tarpaper + n. >>共 7
shack 42.86%
roof 21.43%
act 7.14%
building 7.14%
eyelid 7.14%
house 7.14%
wall 7.14%
每页显示:    共 6