1.   An agreement that has governed hostilities for the past four years stipulates that neither side target civilians.

2.   And amid the surging violence, civilians were targeted as well.

3.   Arafat has often condemned suicide bombings in the past, usually in the context of a broader condemnation of targeting civilians by either side.

4.   Arafat issued a . . . statement in which he criticized all operations that target civilians, whether Israelis or Palestinians, and he described them as terrorism.

5.   As an example, he cited the Viet Cong, which did not wear conventional military uniforms, often did not carry arms openly and did target civilians.

6.   But other organizations, like Human Rights Watch, have said that the U.S. military may have made mistakes, but has not indiscriminately targeted civilians in Afghanistan.

7.   But Russia denies its planes are targeting civilians.

8.   But the group also targeted Israeli civilians in rocket attacks and cross-border raids, and has continued to attack Israeli troops along the border after the withdrawal.

9.   Civilians are deliberately targeted.

10.   Firstly, the government says the allegations of Israel deliberately targeting civilians in Jenin are baseless.

v. + civilian >>共 335
kill 30.76%
wound 8.89%
target 5.25%
injure 5.14%
protect 3.59%
attack 3.18%
include 2.09%
shoot 1.43%
massacre 1.35%
harm 1.30%
target + n. >>共 1086
civilian 5.03%
area 1.88%
people 1.77%
child 1.48%
company 1.35%
group 1.20%
minority 1.14%
woman 1.08%
building 1.08%
foreigner 1.01%
每页显示:    共 237