1.   All of them with a tap root deep in history and branches lost in mysterious mist.

2.   Large tap roots can penetrate rock to a depth of several metres and the process commonly works in association with other mechanisms, particularly ice crystal growth.

3.   A playful cast of mind is obviously the tap root of his fiction.

4.   But oaks have a deep tap root that allows them to drink during droughts.

5.   Butterfly weeds, which have long tap roots to reach moist soil in dry weather, are usually a safe bet, as are sunflowers.

6.   But, all the while, he was quietly sinking a tap root in Atlanta.

7.   It will survive a transplant only if you dig it out with the tap root intact.

8.   The sequoia spreads its roots outward in shallow soil, and it has no tap root.

9.   The lateral roots outside the perimeter of the rootball will be pruned off while the tap root will be cut with ditching long enough to reach it.

n. + root >>共 222
tree 17.64%
plant 7.36%
nerve 2.33%
small-town 1.74%
tap 1.74%
country 1.55%
ginseng 1.55%
taro 1.55%
licorice 1.36%
basketball 1.36%
tap + n. >>共 68
shoe 12.88%
root 6.82%
penalty 6.06%
routine 3.79%
wrench 3.79%
pant 3.03%
code 3.03%
number 2.27%
bill 2.27%
step 2.27%
每页显示:    共 9