1.   And, finally, Tom Hanks is dangling the tantalizing possibility of hooking up again on a future Vietnam War film.

2.   At least one proposal for a mission to explore that tantalizing possibility has already been submitted to NASA.

3.   Dry lake beds offer the most tantalizing possibility of all.

4.   He also raises the tantalizing possibility that protecting our DNA from damaging chemicals will not only prevent cancer but also slow the aging process.

5.   That is the tantalizing possibility raised by new research that shows that DNA conducts electricity.

6.   That was the tantalizing possibility put forth Monday by doctors meeting this week in San Francisco.

7.   That raises the tantalizing possibility that life is still present on Mars.

8.   That tantalizing possibility exists because none of the medical centers has raised the doses of Endostatin high enough to cause harmful effects.

9.   The hunt for Cunanan has been long and frustrating, but not for lack of tantalizing possibilities.

10.   The results raise the tantalizing possibility that transsexuals may in a sense be more female than females.

a. + possibility >>共 633
real 7.14%
strong 5.50%
distinct 4.56%
new 4.04%
remote 3.44%
such 2.73%
the 2.02%
intriguing 1.83%
endless 1.50%
good 1.50%
tantalizing 0.60%
tantalizing + n. >>共 188
hint 6.42%
clue 5.61%
possibility 4.28%
glimpse 4.01%
question 3.74%
prospect 2.67%
evidence 2.14%
tidbit 1.87%
opportunity 1.60%
mystery 1.34%
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