1.   The movie is full of cameos and crass, vulgar humor, including a talking bulldog engaged in naughty activities.

2.   We watch Nicky slowly learn to eat fried chicken, with the help of Beefy, a talking bulldog who is an old family friend.

3.   But a talking bulldog engaging in naughty activities in an Adam Sandler movie about the devil should mean big box-office dollars, despite what any evil critics may say.

4.   The talking bulldog alone would probably draw throngs of people to the multiplexes.

a. + bulldog >>共 37
live 8.33%
talking 8.33%
british 6.25%
legal 4.17%
partisan 4.17%
snarling 4.17%
english 2.08%
environmental 2.08%
extreme 2.08%
familiar 2.08%
talking + n. >>共 246
stage 5.62%
peace 4.10%
shop 3.89%
pig 3.46%
baseball 2.81%
dog 2.38%
politics 2.38%
trash 2.16%
computer 1.73%
business 1.51%
bulldog 0.86%
每页显示:    共 4