1.   Bilateral talks led to the resumption of diplomatic relations.

2.   Officials hope that these talks will lead to a rapprochement with the rebels.

3.   Amid the clatter of snipping scissors, talk leads to politics.

4.   A senior administration official involved in the process said that in aiming at a peace treaty, the talks could lead both sides to try to reduce tensions.

5.   Acting Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami said he hoped the talks would eventually lead to a resumption of full-fledged peace talks.

6.   After the meeting, the White House said it hoped that the talks would lead to an easing of export restrictions on data encryption technology by fall.

7.   But in the last few months, increasingly intense talks led to the accord announced Monday.

8.   But the talks have not led to significant agreements, while the rebel force, known as FARC, has used the zone as a launching pad for attacks.

9.   But such talk has led some religious conservatives to see a white flag.

10.   But the renewed talks led nowhere and Canadians resent that their stringent, if belated, conservation measures are being undercut by what they see as avaricious Americans.

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talk + v. >>共 359
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