1.   Take your partners for the next dance.

2.   You can expect ructions at home if you have been taking a partner for granted recently.

3.   Besides the divestitures, Koor is taking on partners to expand overseas.

4.   Burbank-based Disney has declined to comment if it will take on a partner, as it has with Tokyo Disneyland, or how much it will spend.

5.   But this deal represents a trend among entrepreneurs, who often take key partners on as investors, in addition to traditional venture investors and large corporations.

6.   Is a man who lives at home but takes many partners abiding by traditional sexual norms?

7.   Light candle, get satin sheets or take your partner away to a country inn for the weekend.

8.   Now that he has once again taken on partners to avert financial disaster, history has repeated itself and he has again been dismissed from the company he created.

9.   --Professional business communicators, settling in behind notepads and water pitchers at rows of seminar tables, are roused to take a partner.

10.   The second piece of advice is never take your partner for granted and understand how relationships need to be nourished everyday.

v. + partner >>共 418
find 11.89%
seek 11.56%
have 5.94%
manage 3.67%
trade 3.06%
need 2.44%
play 2.39%
include 1.67%
make 1.50%
choose 1.28%
take 0.83%
take + n. >>共 753
place 12.16%
part 5.04%
action 3.23%
advantage 2.92%
time 2.33%
control 1.68%
effect 1.66%
office 1.51%
step 1.35%
lead 1.11%
partner 0%
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