1.   After the tainted Peruvian election last year, Chavez was one of the few Latin American leaders who defended Fujimori.

2.   Carey was expelled from the union and the tainted election was rerun, with Hoffa emerging as the winner.

3.   The tainted Peruvian election will dominate a meeting of foreign ministers of the countries belonging to the Organization of American States scheduled to meet in Canada later this week.

4.   The tainted Peruvian election will dominate a meeting of foreign ministers of the countries belonging to the Organization of American States scheduled to meet in Canada this week.

5.   There have been tainted elections.

6.   Zedillo won the presidency last year in the least tainted election in decades.

7.   Aristide had asked the OAS to help unblock tens of millions of dollars in international aid suspended because of the tainted elections.

8.   Aristide hopes a compromise will lead the international community to release millions of dollars in aid frozen after tainted elections last year.

9.   If the agreement holds, the OAS has promised to help Haiti recover hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign aid suspended after tainted legislative elections last year.

10.   Last year, forced Fujimori into runoff in tainted presidential election but boycotted second round.

a. + election >>共 447
presidential 16.69%
new 6.95%
parliamentary 6.78%
early 5.01%
local 4.33%
national 4.31%
legislative 2.83%
next 2.64%
municipal 2.13%
upcoming 1.92%
tainted 0.05%
tainted + n. >>共 218
blood 11.39%
letter 7.64%
meat 4.52%
food 3.90%
water 3.43%
mail 2.96%
beef 2.81%
election 2.18%
product 1.56%
money 1.56%
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