1.   There are a variety of professional associations of doctors, nurses and teachers which give tacit support to the regime.

2.   Reports continued of tacit Iranian support for the Soviet Moslem republics.

3.   A minority Labour government, with tacit Liberal support, was the result.

4.   Although the proposal is drawing at least tacit support from fisheries advocates, government regulators and environmentalists, some private industries take a more jaundiced view.

5.   And before it is assumed that he has the tacit support of his former colleagues in the Democrat-dominated Legislature, he deserves a fuller hearing.

6.   At least the tacit support of Middle Eastern governments for any campaign is widely seen as important for any American-led action.

7.   At a minimum this means securing access from some Arab states for our troops, planes and ships, and tacit support from other friends.

8.   But legislative budget writers, with tacit support from Davis, gutted many of the changes.

9.   But Ross Perot, the Texas billionaire who founded the party, has signaled through intermediaries that Buchanan has his tacit support.

10.   But the council, blocked by Russia with at least the tacit support of several other members, stopped short of condemning Iraq.

a. + support >>共 626
public 6.21%
strong 5.63%
financial 5.50%
popular 3.08%
bipartisan 2.77%
international 2.59%
political 2.58%
broad 2.36%
full 2.09%
technical 1.89%
tacit 0.48%
tacit + n. >>共 81
support 21.73%
approval 18.85%
admission 5.99%
agreement 5.99%
acceptance 3.55%
understanding 3.33%
acknowledgment 3.10%
endorsement 2.88%
government 2.00%
consent 2.00%
每页显示:    共 97