1.   Beijing saw the trip as a tacit move by Taiwan to promote independence from China.

2.   China saw it as a tacit move toward independence and responded by conducting missile tests and war games near Taiwan.

3.   China saw the visit as a tacit move by Taiwan to promote independence from China.

4.   China sees the visit as a tacit move by Taiwan to promote independence from China.

a. + move >>共 741
such 12.71%
next 5.16%
first 3.04%
similar 2.58%
latest 2.35%
unusual 1.93%
bold 1.49%
good 1.41%
major 1.34%
right 1.28%
tacit 0.03%
tacit + n. >>共 81
support 21.73%
approval 18.85%
admission 5.99%
agreement 5.99%
acceptance 3.55%
understanding 3.33%
acknowledgment 3.10%
endorsement 2.88%
government 2.00%
consent 2.00%
move 0.89%
每页显示:    共 4