1.   In respect of tacit collusion there is far less clarity.

2.   There will always be the problem of trying to infer whether apparently tacit collusion really was well-concealed explicit collusion.

3.   We now consider what they imply for the analysis of tacit collusion.

4.   Government officials have always worried about the risk of a small number of carriers ruling the industry through tacit collusion.

a. + collusion >>共 40
possible 18.09%
alleged 17.02%
illegal 9.57%
tacit 4.26%
widespread 4.26%
military 3.19%
official 2.13%
industrywide 2.13%
high-level 2.13%
chronic 2.13%
tacit + n. >>共 81
support 21.73%
approval 18.85%
admission 5.99%
agreement 5.99%
acceptance 3.55%
understanding 3.33%
acknowledgment 3.10%
endorsement 2.88%
government 2.00%
consent 2.00%
collusion 0.89%
每页显示:    共 4