1.   Both Texas senators, Phil Gramm and Hutchison, voted against tabling the amendment because they opposed the measures.

2.   He anticipated that the government might table amendments to the Bill as it passes through parliament.

3.   It would imply that Labour was ill-advised in ever tabling the amendment, and in believing it to undermine the opt-out.

4.   Calum MacDonald, the Western Isles MP, has tabled an amendment to the bill which the Government has conceded would wreck the treaty.

5.   Every senator present voted against tabling the amendment.

6.   Supporters of tabling the amendment said increasing site acreage was crucial to the future of the mining industry.

7.   The House tabled her amendment.

8.   The Senate quietly tabled the amendment on a party-line vote, with Democrats for and Republicans against.

v. + amendment >>共 290
offer 7.94%
approve 7.53%
pass 5.94%
oppose 3.58%
introduce 3.54%
support 3.54%
propose 3.01%
reject 2.89%
make 2.77%
attach 2.32%
table 0.90%
table + n. >>共 65
motion 14.92%
amendment 8.87%
bill 8.87%
proposal 8.06%
resolution 4.84%
issue 4.44%
plan 4.44%
question 4.03%
measure 3.23%
report 3.23%
每页显示:    共 22