1.   All the biting pests above can be controlled by planned, routine, repeat spraying with systemic insecticides.

2.   Lane said the best way to control psyllids is with systemic insecticides that are incorporated into the tissues of the plant.

3.   Some systemic insecticides are sprinkled on the ground in granular form and enter the plant as it draws water out of the soil.

4.   Tree companies also offer systemic insecticides.

5.   You have to read labels carefully to find systemic insecticides.

6.   Systemic insecticides Use systemic insecticides to control these sucking pests more effectively.

a. + insecticide >>共 61
chemical 8.85%
natural 7.08%
systemic 5.31%
toxic 4.42%
household 3.54%
drinking 3.54%
new 3.54%
liquid 3.54%
spraying 3.54%
powerful 2.65%
systemic + n. >>共 107
problem 14.81%
risk 6.40%
change 6.40%
disease 4.38%
endotoxaemia 3.70%
reform 3.70%
discrimination 2.69%
infection 2.36%
lupus 2.02%
corruption 2.02%
insecticide 2.02%
每页显示:    共 6