1.   This means that every word that the system can process has to be known beforehand, otherwise it will not be accepted.

2.   But the company has acknowledged that those systems could not process wafers quickly enough to be economically viable in mainstream chip applications.

3.   I developed mathematical models that predict behavior in certain circumstances -- how the system can process information.

4.   It also estimates that an electronic system can process up to three times as many cars as a human toll-booth worker.

5.   Most current point-of-sale systems can process credit-card transactions.

6.   The new system will process such files while users perform other tasks like writing notes or copying files.

7.   The single clearing system would process, settle and guarantee all contracts traded in the pits of the two exchanges, strengthening their marketing efforts.

8.   Their system processed such findings into instructions that direct the choice of other promising molecules or the creation of improved ones.

9.   And a container storage system will process mail that will then be put onboard planes.

10.   If they are caught, the U.S. immigration system must process their cases since refugee applicants or people holding visitors visas are not welcome back in Canada.

n. + process >>共 208
peace 9.49%
computer 4.64%
food 3.53%
plant 3.09%
authority 2.65%
system 2.43%
company 2.21%
brain 1.99%
bank 1.77%
body 1.77%
system + v. >>共 725
be 25.00%
work 4.60%
have 4.07%
allow 2.15%
use 1.82%
fail 1.48%
make 1.44%
need 1.42%
provide 1.31%
require 1.03%
process 0.07%
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