1.   Never try any of these tricks without a backup of your system folder and all key files.

2.   After dealing with the Registry, you have to manually delete all the Office folders and a long list of files in the system folder.

3.   It appears as an extension in your system folder.

4.   The extension is installed in your system folder.

5.   They expect to find BIGFILE in the system folder.

n. + folder >>共 62
file 33.61%
system 4.92%
paper 3.28%
mail 2.46%
download 2.46%
trash 2.46%
default 1.64%
manilla 1.64%
favorite 1.64%
student 1.64%
system + n. >>共 662
operator 3.05%
administrator 2.75%
work 2.71%
manager 2.62%
works 2.45%
failure 2.06%
business 1.85%
integrator 1.50%
integration 1.46%
division 1.42%
folder 0.26%
每页显示:    共 6