1.   Also, a micro-camera system displays the image of a visitor at the door.

2.   Electronic trading systems already have displayed their power in the U.S., pushing beyond normal trading hours, for instance.

3.   Heaton is particularly proud of a roller coaster animation the system displays.

4.   If a driver comes too close to the vehicle ahead, a collision-avoidance system displays a warning bar and sounds an alarm.

5.   In a grid format on the television screen, the system displays seven days of programming, which can be keyed to your local cable system.

6.   Inmates and guards will be scanned each time they pass through a checkpoint, so the prison computer system can always display where they are.

7.   Most of the time, the system will display virtual reality images of a traditional instrument cluster.

8.   The Allied Signal system also displays upcoming mountains in bright colors on a cockpit weather radar screen or navigation screen.

9.   The revised proposal did not address the issue of how the Nasdaq system would display prices offered by competing exchanges, like the Pacific Stock Exchange.

10.   They also require private trading systems to display quotes on the exchanges when they are superior to those that are posted.

n. + display >>共 676
screen 2.30%
museum 2.10%
company 1.71%
official 1.38%
man 1.31%
team 1.25%
window 1.05%
group 1.05%
column 1.05%
store 1.05%
system 0.92%
system + v. >>共 725
be 25.00%
work 4.60%
have 4.07%
allow 2.15%
use 1.82%
fail 1.48%
make 1.44%
need 1.42%
provide 1.31%
require 1.03%
display 0.09%
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