1.   All synthetic fabrics, plastics, chipboard, plywood, foam rubber and other man-made materials are excluded from the oasis.

2.   The silken texture of the synthetic fabric.

3.   Some synthetic fabrics are nice and warm, but I prefer wool because it has more heft.

4.   Bad girls wear too much lipstick, eye shadow, high heel shoes, clothes made of synthetic fabrics.

5.   Cartridge filters have a pleated synthetic fabric element to trap dirt and debris.

6.   Chemical colors, synthetic fabrics and scientific references are on runways along with soft floral prints.

7.   Clothing of wool or synthetic fabrics -- not cotton, which drains body heat when wet -- and good lightweight rain gear should be carried.

8.   Goodbye, synthetic fabrics in pink and blue, decorated with bunnies and bows.

9.   He covered the walls with a gray woven synthetic fabric, backed by a soft absorbent acoustic wallboard.

10.   High-tech synthetic fabrics.

a. + fabric >>共 636
social 5.19%
new 2.48%
synthetic 1.95%
very 1.89%
sheer 1.65%
stretch 1.59%
woven 1.42%
same 1.42%
natural 1.24%
luxurious 1.12%
synthetic + n. >>共 310
drug 8.21%
fiber 6.27%
material 4.98%
form 4.52%
version 4.24%
chemical 3.32%
hormone 3.04%
fabric 3.04%
rubber 2.86%
fibre 2.21%
每页显示:    共 33