1.   A couple of elderly people faint, and little kids swivel their hips and stick their fists in the air.

2.   A woman who has difficulty walking presses her thin hands against the arms of her chair and lifts herself up so she can swivel her hips.

3.   After Elvis swiveled his hips in the Berle show, Mr. Allen turned the raunchy image into a joke.

4.   Elvis was just starting to swivel his hips, and Chuck Berry was just starting to duck walk.

5.   Jackson did a dance after the basket, swiveling his hips and pumping his arms.

6.   Rock music has been a moral lightning rod questioned by Southern Baptists since Elvis Presley first swiveled his hips.

7.   She brings her arms in close to her chest, rises on her toes, swivels her hips and demonstrates Cuban salsa.

8.   She swiveled her hips, slipped a bit, and nearly fell.

9.   The singer strode onto the stage with a megawatt smile and immediately began swiveling his hips as a tube beneath the keyboards belched out a thick cloud of smoke.

10.   Then he swiveled his hips as if to dance with it.

v. + hip >>共 128
break 13.49%
injure 7.14%
replace 5.03%
wiggle 3.97%
shake 3.44%
dislocate 3.17%
swivel 3.17%
fracture 2.65%
hurt 2.38%
sway 2.12%
swivel + n. >>共 19
head 31.67%
hip 20.00%
chair 13.33%
camera 5.00%
round 5.00%
tree 3.33%
antenna 1.67%
base 1.67%
body 1.67%
gaze 1.67%
每页显示:    共 12