1.   Clinton hammered away at campaign themes tailor-made to appeal to predominantly white swing voters who might otherwise vote for Republican Bob Dole.

2.   According to Frank Luntz, Republican pollster and spinmeister, these younger working women with small children are critical swing voters.

3.   Although Bush is holding a small, steady lead, neither candidate has closed the deal with the swing voters.

4.   And a lot is riding on people like Celani Freckelton and other swing voters in Michigan.

5.   And for all the focus on swing voters, the cardinal rule of politics is to cultivate your base.

6.   And he may well turn off swing voters and energize the Republican base, as the Gore campaign has calculated.

7.   And because Bradley received support from Republicans and independents, he could help Gore woo swing voters who are likely to determine the outcome in closely contested states.

8.   And if these issues do not motivate those who have already made up their minds about candidates, they can motivate important swing voters.

9.   And in all four states, swing voters hold the key.

10.   And the swing voters were more than open to the idea of change.

n. + voter >>共 194
swing 18.67%
woman 14.29%
minority 12.57%
middle-class 4.38%
poll 3.24%
academy 2.67%
show 2.67%
core 2.48%
first-time 2.38%
fall 1.81%
swing + n. >>共 181
voter 18.11%
state 13.68%
vote 12.38%
district 4.53%
bowler 3.42%
pass 3.05%
set 2.96%
coach 2.87%
band 2.40%
music 2.22%
每页显示:    共 195