1.   At the press briefing, Lott also mentioned that Republicans were bandying about dates for a swift conclusion to the trial.

2.   At the same time senators stepped up a search for ways to restore bipartisanship to their chamber and bring the trial to a swift conclusion.

3.   Bush wants a swift conclusion to the battle, but not if it ends with his rival ahead.

4.   Some observers believe that he has little interest in bringing this protracted, and for him quite enjoyable, mating dance to a swift conclusion.

5.   The December conversation between Cincinnati Reds general manager Jim Bowden and Joe Bick reached a swift conclusion.

6.   Now this war will not be like the war against Iraq a decade ago, with a decisive liberation of territory and a swift conclusion.

7.   Shea said it was now up to Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic to bring the conflict to a swift conclusion.

8.   Several days into the hearings, Judge Moshe Ravid suggested the compromise to bring the case to a swift conclusion.

9.   Both sides appear to want to capitalise on progress made in the previous three rounds of talks, and bring the preliminary talks to a swift conclusion.

10.   But Washington has insisted on the need for the campaign to be brought to a swift conclusion and for a political settlement.

a. + conclusion >>共 511
same 10.94%
similar 6.36%
different 6.03%
successful 3.12%
logical 2.95%
firm 2.75%
final 2.70%
opposite 1.91%
wrong 1.66%
such 1.58%
swift 0.58%
swift + n. >>共 445
action 11.11%
current 3.23%
response 2.39%
kick 2.39%
approval 2.25%
passage 2.18%
justice 1.83%
end 1.69%
resolution 1.62%
change 1.62%
conclusion 0.98%
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