1.   A sweet snack.

2.   Break into large pieces and eat as a sweet snack.

3.   Despite our seemingly insatiable appetite for sweet snacks and assembly-line junk, the good stuff always stands the test of time.

4.   Eat out of hand as a quick sweet snack or drop into iced tea, lemonade, seltzer or white wine.

5.   In the sweet snack division, Continental brings Hostess to the table, while Interstate owns Dolly Madison.

6.   Once they get home, Haiden starts demanding a sweet snack, such as a fruit chew.

7.   To make the sweet snack version, sprinkle smaller pieces of fry bread with powdered sugar or honey, and perhaps chopped nuts.

8.   We twirled our sticks in the syrup as it cooled, winding up a sweet snack of ice, snow and rapidly hardening maple toffee.

a. + snack >>共 219
salty 7.74%
light 5.81%
afternoon 4.30%
popular 3.23%
quick 3.01%
favorite 2.80%
healthy 2.15%
sweet 1.72%
fried 1.51%
healthful 1.29%
sweet + n. >>共 826
smell 3.36%
revenge 2.71%
wine 2.55%
taste 1.86%
tea 1.82%
time 1.74%
flavor 1.66%
deal 1.62%
onion 1.42%
shop 1.25%
snack 0.32%
每页显示:    共 8