1.   But his imprint was distinct in the area to which he gave his most sustained attention, judicial administration.

2.   But the crucially important issue of employment rarely gets the kind of sustained attention it warrants.

3.   But they despaired of ever focusing sustained attention on the problem of pedophile priests.

4.   But they said they had often despaired of ever focusing sustained attention on the problem of pedophile priests.

5.   Developing realistic and unflinching policies toward these nations will require both the sustained attention of Clinton and his new team of advisers and the support of Congress.

6.   Education experts say there are many reasons for this sustained attention.

7.   His diminutive forms do seem magnetic, drawing viewers in close and demanding sustained attention.

8.   Meanwhile, as a form of entertainment, it is too esoteric to command the sustained attention of the masses.

9.   Musicians could soon come to miss the kind of sustained attention that fans used to give to a brand-new album, playing it repeatedly from start to finish.

10.   PTSD veterans showed difficulty with tasks requiring sustained attention, working memory and registration of new verbal information.

a. + attention >>共 692
medical 7.33%
national 7.18%
close 6.08%
public 5.74%
international 5.58%
special 5.50%
particular 3.22%
the 2.37%
scant 1.95%
full 1.71%
sustained 0.16%
sustained + n. >>共 455
growth 9.97%
attack 3.50%
applause 2.90%
campaign 2.57%
effort 2.57%
period 2.38%
recovery 2.38%
injury 1.72%
pressure 1.58%
decline 1.45%
attention 0.79%
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