1.   But when the Bush administration took office, it suspended negotiations while conducting the policy review.

2.   For example, management might suspend all negotiations about pay and conditions until employees agree to work normally during the bargaining.

3.   Industry executives said it was the union that broke off talks, but Wells said the Decision to suspend negotiations was mutual.

4.   The two sides yesterday suspended negotiations for as much as a week.

5.   Indeed the British cabinet thought of suspending the negotiations altogether -- the demand for speedy and general convertibility of sterling being the most disturbing of the terms.

6.   In subsequent interviews, Netanyahu avoided direct answers when asked whether he intended to suspend the negotiations.

7.   On Tuesday the two sides suspended negotiations for as long as a week.

8.   Palestinians and Israelis, whose negotiations were suspended after the Syrian talks broke down, have been negotiating on and off for nearly seven years.

9.   Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was under pressure from right-wing groups opposed to the peace process to suspend negotiations after the killing of the two settlers.

10.   Prime Minister Ehud Barak has suspended peace negotiations while the violence rages and while he tries to merge with the right-wing opposition to form an emergency government.

v. + negotiation >>共 547
resume 10.28%
begin 8.41%
continue 4.23%
start 3.86%
hold 3.72%
open 3.26%
conduct 2.43%
restart 2.43%
complete 2.24%
suspend 2.07%
suspend + n. >>共 997
talk 6.61%
operation 4.93%
flight 3.56%
service 2.15%
player 2.14%
sanction 2.11%
negotiation 1.91%
aid 1.89%
sentence 1.77%
share 1.65%
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