1.   And for the last three years, U.N. officials said, the guard has been spiriting suspected weapons materiel and documents away from the inspectors.

2.   Annan brokered a deal in February that ended a threat of U.S. air strikes after Iraq agreed to provide inspectors with unlimited access to suspected weapons sites.

3.   A team of UN inspectors was prevented from visiting suspected weapons sites today after Iraqi officials failed to provide escorts, UN officials said.

4.   Access to the hundreds of suspected weapons sites in Iraq is just part of what is required.

5.   Access to the hundreds of suspected weapons sites is just part of what would be required of Iraq.

6.   But Hussein must understand that the suspension or even eventual lifting of most remaining sanctions requires unfettered access by the inspectors to all suspected weapons sites.

7.   But past bombing raids have prompted Saddam to allow inspectors into suspected weapons storage facilities, only for him to again resist inspection months later.

8.   But President Clinton says it is up to Saddam Hussein to live up to the agreement to open suspected chemical weapons sites to U.N. inspectors.

9.   Chief UN weapons inspector Richard Butler told the UN last week that his attempts to persuade Iraq to allow his inspectors access to suspected weapons sites were unsuccessful.

10.   Crude oil rose after a team of United Nations weapons inspectors were forced to postpone a visit to a suspected weapons site after Iraqi authorities refused to cooperate.

a. + weapon >>共 559
automatic 9.86%
chemical 9.65%
heavy 7.50%
biological 5.79%
illegal 3.97%
new 2.94%
concealed 2.46%
banned 1.73%
suspected 1.57%
deadly 1.48%
suspected + n. >>共 816
militant 12.08%
guerrilla 7.75%
rebel 6.47%
terrorist 6.35%
member 3.20%
drug 2.75%
extremist 2.63%
weapon 2.35%
case 1.98%
gunman 1.24%
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