1.   Police carried out several controlled explosions of suspect packages at the site.

2.   Delegates evacuated the building when a suspect package was found.

3.   The search continues tonight for any other suspect packages.

4.   A suspect package was found lying near the platform at Cholsey.

5.   FORMER chancellor Norman Lamont took a suspect package into his local police station yesterday, believing it could be a bomb, Scotland Yard said.

6.   The spokesman also stressed that anyone receiving what he or she considered to be a suspect package should exercise extreme caution and contact the police immediately.

7.   Because the CDC is overburdened, it has asked the Miami-Dade County Health Department to conduct anthrax testing on all suspect packages from abroad.

8.   Fred Eckhard, a U.N. spokesman, said that the organization would remain on the alert for more suspect packages.

9.   Israeli bomb squads in white vans roam the streets and use small robotic devices to identify and detonate suspect packages.

10.   Police vans carrying bomb-disposal experts and special robotic detonating devices are constantly on call to respond to suspect packages.

a. + package >>共 1025
suspicious 5.33%
new 3.69%
economic 3.05%
whole 2.34%
small 2.08%
financial 2.08%
entire 2.06%
spending 1.83%
suspect 1.77%
complete 1.70%
suspect + n. >>共 413
package 8.71%
program 3.81%
site 2.29%
car 2.18%
vehicle 1.74%
food 1.63%
facility 1.42%
device 1.31%
meat 1.31%
part 1.20%
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