1.   A pair of life jackets and survival suits were stashed beneath the bottom bunk.

2.   BOC racers carry survival suits and life rafts.

3.   A new Coast Guard rules mandating emergency beacons, crew drills, life rafts and survival suits cut those tragedies by half.

4.   But then the vessel started listing badly, and the five fisherman, dressed in survival suits, threw the self-inflating raft overboard and jumped in.

5.   Crewmen told of their frantic struggle to move stacks of cardboard to reach survival suits as the ship listed and icy water rushed in.

6.   Fishermen must carry survival suits, life rafts and know how to use them.

7.   He could don a survival suit in less than a minute.

8.   He stands, strips off the red survival suit that protected him from hypothermia, then gathers the crew that saved him.

9.   He was clad in a survival suit, which indicates that the crew had warning that the Pacific Alliance was in trouble.

10.   I looked back at the survival suits behind the traveler and thought it may look stupid sailing in one, but they were comfortable and dry.

n. + suit >>共 564
class-action 10.37%
business 10.23%
libel 5.91%
discrimination 3.33%
defamation 2.81%
law 2.75%
malpractice 2.20%
shareholder 1.93%
track 1.79%
damage 1.76%
survival 1.02%
survival + n. >>共 180
rate 15.66%
skill 9.64%
instinct 5.02%
strategy 4.32%
suit 3.71%
gear 3.21%
time 3.21%
technique 2.71%
advantage 2.41%
plan 2.41%
每页显示:    共 37