1.   By using panel survey methods, the recruitment and retention rates of members can be tracked over time.

2.   Fundamentally, the survey method finds out what people will say when they are being interviewed, or filling in a questionnaire.

3.   Its main object is to undertake research into survey methods and problems.

4.   The research uses a variety of social survey methods.

5.   Sub-fields in geology are characterised by differences in techniques, survey methods, and entities studied.

6.   Certainly, more modern uses of the survey method have disregarded some of the rather naive methodological assumptions of the early surveys.

7.   We have described two uses of the survey method which originated outside academic circles.

8.   Associated with this rise to prominence of the social survey method were new modes of theorising about social action and social organisation.

n. + method >>共 767
production 3.90%
research 3.08%
interrogation 1.71%
construction 1.71%
business 1.66%
detection 1.30%
survey 1.24%
treatment 1.24%
police 1.18%
prevention 1.12%
survey + n. >>共 227
result 19.13%
show 6.82%
datum 5.26%
team 4.59%
respondent 4.47%
report 2.35%
method 2.35%
finding 2.24%
participant 2.24%
damage 2.01%
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