1.   These well-bred embryos are implanted into surrogate cows.

2.   Transfer requires flushing fertilized embryos from prized donor cows and implanting the embryos in surrogate host cows for gestation and birth.

3.   After the two are fused by an electric shock, the egg is put into the womb of a surrogate cow and carried to term.

4.   At the Nara center, five surrogate cows are pregnant, with delivery expected between mid-December and mid-January, said center spokesman Katsuhiko Hata.

5.   She regularly is mated with prize bulls, and the fertilized embryos are removed and placed in surrogate cows for additional breeding.

6.   The cloned calves were produced by combining the nucleus of a mammary cell with an unfertilized egg and inserting the embryo into the uterus of a surrogate cow.

7.   The embryo is placed in the womb of a surrogate cow that eventually gives birth to a duplicate of the donor animal.

8.   The resulting embryo is then implanted in a surrogate cow.

9.   They then implanted the cloned embryo into a surrogate cow and let the embryo grow for about six weeks before removing it.

n. + cow >>共 54
milk 23.14%
surrogate 7.44%
fiberglass 6.61%
elephant 4.96%
mother 3.31%
butter 3.31%
bell 2.48%
downer 2.48%
cartoon 2.48%
prize 2.48%
surrogate + n. >>共 100
father 14.29%
parent 13.06%
family 7.35%
cow 3.67%
birth 2.86%
son 2.86%
mom 2.45%
militiaman 2.04%
contract 1.63%
pregnancy 1.63%
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