1.   Apparently, auto racing technology has surpassed the limits of human physics at Texas Motor Speedway and did so in a manner that was unpredictable and uncharted.

2.   Achieving the goal required each of us to surpass personal limits that we seldom approach in our ordinary lives.

3.   But Mason says that e-mail lists of a certain size, even if they did not surpass spending limits, may require regulation.

4.   The DWP has yet to surpass those limits, officials say.

5.   Add Net-enabled mobile devices, game players and home appliances, and the limit is quickly surpassed.

6.   Surpassing that limit could bring a heavy fine from the European Commission and also embarrass the Portuguese authorities.

7.   The investigation also revealed that the dumped waste water surpassed permitted limits for chloride, ammonia and phosphates.

8.   The market was nearly shut down near the end of trading, when the main index nearly surpassed the daily limit allowed under trading rules.

9.   The third option assumes that spending limits on this portion of the budget will be obeyed even though these limits have been surpassed for the past two years.

10.   There is no doubt that by either ignoring the limits or changing them, the limits will be surpassed this year by tens of billions of dollars.

v. + limit >>共 386
have 12.91%
set 9.68%
impose 7.41%
place 4.57%
reach 4.03%
put 3.36%
test 2.69%
push 2.69%
raise 2.30%
include 1.55%
surpass 0.28%
surpass + n. >>共 229
expectation 18.60%
number 3.23%
estimate 3.04%
target 2.66%
forecast 2.47%
level 2.09%
limit 2.09%
record 1.90%
goal 1.71%
mark 1.52%
每页显示:    共 11