1.   The surgery left her face and neck scarred.

2.   The surgery left her unable to walk for nearly three months.

3.   Back surgery left Melvin Hawkins unable to continue raising cows and sheep, so the couple switched to alternative farming.

4.   Blood trickled from the scar left by surgery in October to cover the hole in his skull with a plate.

5.   Laparoscopic surgery leaves smaller incisions than standard operations, leading to their description as pinhole and keyhole surgery.

6.   Surgery left her with a fused elbow, making it impossible for her to go back to her job at a hosiery factory in St. Pauls, N.C.

7.   Surgery leaves most patients impotent and a significant percentage incontinent.

8.   The spinal surgery has left her son nearly immobile.

9.   The surgery left him with reduced circulation and vulnerability to cold.

10.   The surgery leaves the Rangers, at least temporarily, without two-thirds of the line that led them to the Stanley Cup last season.

n. + leave >>共 1210
people 1.89%
troop 1.63%
team 1.57%
man 1.35%
player 0.92%
plane 0.90%
family 0.86%
result 0.78%
force 0.74%
official 0.74%
surgery 0.06%
surgery + v. >>共 222
be 38.65%
repair 3.65%
have 3.58%
take 3.44%
remove 3.02%
go 2.95%
correct 1.76%
involve 1.55%
help 1.55%
require 1.41%
leave 0.91%
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