1.   Surgery involves opening the sinus from the outside, flushing and allowing free drainage into the nasal passage.

2.   Also, heart surgery involves teamwork.

3.   Any major surgery involves risk of death from possible hemorrhaging, infection or complications from anesthesia.

4.   Any surgery involves the danger, however small, of injury or even death.

5.   Bariatric surgery involves reducing the size of the stomach.

6.   Bypass surgery involved mending obstructed arteries to allow adequate supplies of blood to reach the heart.

7.   Cryogenic surgery involves the selective exposure of tissues to extreme cold, often applying a probe containing liquid nitrogen, to destroy or eliminate abnormal cells.

8.   Surgery generally involves restructuring or removal of the bladder.

9.   The less extensive surgery involves cutting out the cancer and small amounts of adjacent tissue in a procedure known as lumpectomy.

10.   The novel surgery at Good Samaritan involves implanting a nerve stimulator in the spinal cord, allowing the damaged cord to receive signals from the brain.

n. + involve >>共 1669
case 6.64%
project 1.64%
plan 1.47%
deal 1.33%
incident 1.33%
process 1.24%
issue 1.15%
dispute 1.09%
change 1.01%
problem 0.98%
surgery 0.24%
surgery + v. >>共 222
be 38.65%
repair 3.65%
have 3.58%
take 3.44%
remove 3.02%
go 2.95%
correct 1.76%
involve 1.55%
help 1.55%
require 1.41%
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