1.   As with any complex electronic information system or service, a strong support structure can make an enormous difference in customer satisfaction.

2.   In relationships between siblings or between other kin, the two-way principle seems to be the foundation of support structures.

3.   The roof support structure had collapsed and the entire weight was bearing down on the ceiling.

4.   Detail Design -- The fuel tank is located ahead of the rear wheels and the collapsible steering column is also fitted with a deformable support structure.

5.   - Operates mostly out of Iraq, with several thousand fighters based in Iraq and an extensive overseas support structure.

6.   A high-tech design featuring an undulating aluminum roof, the project recycles a redundant Thames railway bridge as the support structure for a new station.

7.   His team used the cement replicas as templates for casting a strong but unobtrusive steel armature, or support structure.

8.   In addition, composites have replaced heavier metal for a support structure between fuel tanks and for a liquid-hydrogen fuel line and valve.

9.   In rescue operations, groups of robots could link together to form support structures for falling buildings.

10.   More than mere support structures, the thickets of fine, precisely arranged wires can be seen as integral parts of the piece.

n. + structure >>共 662
command 7.32%
management 5.48%
tax 3.30%
cost 2.91%
ownership 2.43%
fee 2.36%
salary 2.12%
government 1.73%
steel 1.66%
capital 1.46%
support 1.14%
support + n. >>共 522
group 21.06%
service 7.02%
staff 5.13%
payment 3.13%
base 2.99%
network 2.60%
program 1.89%
role 1.67%
team 1.48%
personnel 1.37%
structure 0.90%
每页显示:    共 33