1.   We need all your support to make this a success.

2.   Such longer term support would make it economically-viable for wind power operators to build turbines in areas of relatively low wind speeds, effectively doubling.

3.   And he said White House support would probably make an amendment on school prayer easier to move through state legislatures, most of which are still dominated by Democrats.

4.   Bipartisan support makes some type of election reform likely.

5.   Boeing claims its expertise in commercial aircraft design, manufacturing and support makes its JSF design superior.

6.   Both parties support making the terms more generous, making it highly likely that significant expansion of the accounts will occur, specialists believe.

7.   But the president will need strong support at home to make good on some of his business pledges.

8.   But this support only makes the inadequate response to death and destruction harder to understand.

9.   Confident that such support would make him an easy winner, Gore initially refused even to refer to Bradley by name.

10.   Harmon said he thought the white support made black leaders suspicious of the ordinance.

n. + make >>共 1472
company 3.80%
government 1.92%
official 1.37%
team 1.20%
people 1.13%
police 0.87%
player 0.78%
law 0.72%
rate 0.69%
president 0.68%
support 0.03%
support + v. >>共 380
be 45.53%
come 6.04%
grow 2.24%
help 2.05%
remain 1.29%
seem 1.25%
appear 1.14%
erode 1.03%
have 0.91%
go 0.76%
make 0.72%
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