1.   They will have a great deal of expertise to offer within the administrative support function.

2.   The accent so far has been on production and we need to spread its use in the commercial, RandT and other support functions.

3.   But almost all of them are to carry out training, logistics and support functions and will arrive in the days and weeks following the invasion.

4.   Closing unnecessary overseas posts, outsourcing administrative support functions and rethinking overseas staff structure can save money and improve performance.

5.   It will also consolidate a number of support functions, such as research and development and information technology.

6.   Kansas City headquarters employees work in administration, finance, marketing, human resources and other support functions.

7.   Layoffs likely would vary among departments, with support functions, such as human resources, hit hardest.

8.   Most black professionals in the industry work in support functions like human resources and legal departments that rarely feed into the top echelons of the companies.

9.   The businesses are sharing support functions, too.

10.   The Eckerd-related charge is for closing stores and support functions and writing down assets.

n. + function >>共 488
brain 6.48%
government 3.64%
search 3.44%
kidney 3.10%
lung 2.77%
heart 2.56%
school 2.09%
support 1.89%
body 1.82%
management 1.75%
support + n. >>共 522
group 21.06%
service 7.02%
staff 5.13%
payment 3.13%
base 2.99%
network 2.60%
program 1.89%
role 1.67%
team 1.48%
personnel 1.37%
function 0.77%
每页显示:    共 28