1.   Diplomats say western countries are worried, however, that they could be clinging too long to a leader whose domestic support is fading.

2.   But as in Iowa the week before, his support faded in the days leading up to the vote.

3.   How does a city that pegs itself as the sports capital of the world respond to suggestions that over-the-top fan support is fading?

4.   In another sign that IRA support was fading, the women said that a majority of Belfast Catholics probably now favored selective, preventive detention of known IRA guerrillas.

5.   Instead, he stonewalled the press, the Congress and the courts until, in time, his political support faded.

6.   This suggests that it is his performance elsewhere that has buoyed him in this state, and that if he loses in South Carolina his support may fade.

7.   White support faded.

8.   But the poll also suggested that support would fade if the United States acts alone.

9.   His support soon faded amid erratic policies, infighting and alleged impropriety.

10.   Support is fading for a nationwide general strike called for Tuesday to protest increased costs of living and poor government services.

n. + fade >>共 682
hope 5.06%
memory 3.04%
light 2.15%
smile 1.84%
concern 1.33%
color 1.33%
optimism 1.20%
image 1.20%
flower 1.20%
issue 1.14%
support 0.76%
support + v. >>共 380
be 45.53%
come 6.04%
grow 2.24%
help 2.05%
remain 1.29%
seem 1.25%
appear 1.14%
erode 1.03%
have 0.91%
go 0.76%
fade 0.46%
每页显示:    共 12