1.   He has said he would support autonomy that accepts Chinese sovereignty.

2.   Lipscomb, echoing his film, will present a resolution at the convention that would put the messengers on record as supporting the autonomy of local churches.

3.   Officially, the Dalai Lama supports greater autonomy, not independence, for Tibet.

4.   The two Pintos had a red-and-white Indonesian flag dangling from their rear-view mirror and wore caps supporting autonomy.

5.   Washington has supported autonomy for Iraqi Kurds, but has consistently opposed creating a new Kurdish state.

6.   Although the Dalai Lama says he supports greater autonomy for Tibet, not independence, Chinese leaders continue to accuse him of wanting to separate the region from China.

7.   Bulgaria, Romania and Greece support greater autonomy for Kosovo Albanians, but disagree with their demand for full independence, Simitis said.

8.   Diplomats hope that if the crackdown ends, most Albanians will eventually support autonomy within the Yugoslav federation rather than independence.

9.   Florentino Sarmento, a former legislator who supports autonomy, also said the ballot plan was positive because it would provide an outline of the autonomy proposal.

10.   Florentino Sarmento, a former legislator who supports autonomy, said the ballot plan was positive because it would provide an outline of the autonomy proposal.

v. + autonomy >>共 171
seek 11.74%
grant 8.17%
extend 7.41%
have 5.83%
want 5.15%
give 4.53%
demand 4.19%
enjoy 2.88%
support 2.75%
launch 2.54%
support + n. >>共 944
effort 2.29%
idea 2.26%
terrorism 1.92%
bill 1.86%
family 1.67%
claim 1.63%
right 1.56%
rebel 1.50%
plan 1.38%
dollar 1.35%
autonomy 0.17%
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