1.   Some of them supplemented wages from the great estates with tiny holdings, where they were lucky enough to have them.

2.   Waiters count on tips to supplement their wages.

3.   This is what the budgetary evidence of Eden and Davies revealed, and was the context for the Speenhamland experiment in supplementing wages from the poor rate.

4.   Much of this money was spent on improving military housing, supplementing wages and, in many instances, even buying luxury cars for senior officers.

5.   One lesson of the study is that states should supplement the wages of people who move from welfare to work.

6.   Other soldiers were notorious for supplementing meager wages by using their guns to rob civilians.

7.   The figures may not be as dire as they sound, since many Russians underreport their income, and many supplement their wages by growing their own food.

8.   Many Russians have more than one job to supplement meagre wages.

9.   Most demand extra fees to supplement their wages.

v. + wage >>共 241
pay 17.21%
raise 10.23%
demand 8.30%
increase 3.01%
pay_back 2.89%
receive 2.65%
freeze 2.23%
cut 2.05%
push 2.05%
earn 1.99%
supplement 0.54%
supplement + n. >>共 281
income 24.34%
diet 3.35%
effort 2.33%
information 1.46%
salary 1.46%
money 1.31%
wage 1.31%
revenue 1.17%
work 1.02%
source 1.02%
每页显示:    共 9