1.   The interviews were supplemented by as much documentary information as could be collected.

2.   Pincus administered the neurological examinations, from simple reflex tests to EEGs and brain scans, that supplemented the interviews.

3.   The interviews were supplemented by documentary materials.

4.   The interview is supplemented with grainy black and white photos that clearly illustrate how long Wright hung around in politics.

v. + interview >>共 369
give 14.21%
conduct 12.21%
include 6.56%
do 6.24%
grant 5.07%
have 4.80%
broadcast 2.90%
arrange 2.12%
decline 1.76%
publish 1.71%
supplement 0.14%
supplement + n. >>共 281
income 24.34%
diet 3.35%
effort 2.33%
information 1.46%
salary 1.46%
money 1.31%
wage 1.31%
revenue 1.17%
work 1.02%
source 1.02%
interview 0.73%
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