1.   Anders was there, supposedly supervising the preparation of an assortment of mixed salads for the buffet.

2.   A magistrate is a federal judicial officer whose functions include supervising the preparation of civil suits.

3.   Dr. Kenneth Walsh, a molecular biologist who supervised the preparation of the DNA for the experiment, said he saw the moment as a turning point.

4.   Four courses later, Ripert was in a sweat supervising the preparation of the paupiette of black bass.

5.   He later supervised preparations for the construction of plants in Taiwan and North America.

6.   Hudgins is supervising the preparation of a handbook to show Congress how it can drastically reduce the size of the U.S. government.

7.   Kenneth Apfel, associate director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, supervised preparation of the rules setting stricter standards.

8.   Many of the top agency officials who supervised the preparation of these reports never set foot in the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

9.   One day a few weeks later, Krister Wirenstrand, a Swedish engineer supervising the preparations, stood on a steel platform surrounding the completed telescope.

10.   The advance team brings its information back to Freeport, where Sidar supervises preparation of the first drafts of the spring catalogs.

v. + preparation >>共 257
make 22.07%
begin 12.37%
complete 3.65%
discuss 3.44%
start 3.02%
continue 2.67%
oversee 2.39%
require 1.97%
speed 1.55%
include 1.48%
supervise 1.41%
supervise + n. >>共 553
election 5.34%
operation 3.35%
work 2.48%
construction 2.36%
project 1.74%
activity 1.74%
poll 1.55%
investigation 1.49%
distribution 1.43%
child 1.24%
preparation 1.24%
每页显示:    共 20