1.   Another theory suggests that a supernova explosion occurred, destroying the companion sun and scattering its material toward our Sun.

2.   Every few hundred years, on average, we see a spectacular supernova explosion.

3.   It emits a monster blast of gas and is illuminated by supernova explosions going off like a string of firecrackers.

4.   It tells how a supernova explosion in outer space leads to the creation of a paradise on Earth and to complex interactions between human beings and aliens.

5.   It takes a star much bigger than the sun to perish as a more dramatic supernova explosion, rather than a planetary nebula.

6.   Neutron stars are created in supernovae explosions and spin at rates up to hundreds of revolutions per second.

7.   One crab is the rate of the X-ray radiation emitted by the Crab Nebula, the remnant of a violent supernova explosion.

8.   Supernova explosions, produced by certain types of dying stars, are the most violent blasts astronomers knew until now.

9.   They are thought to be born in the collapse of normal stars in supernova explosions.

10.   This was the supernova explosion.

n. + explosion >>共 323
bomb 18.75%
gas 13.11%
mine 6.79%
test 6.27%
grenade 5.41%
mortar 2.30%
car 2.07%
morning 1.84%
pipeline 1.50%
landmine 1.38%
supernova 0.69%
supernova + n. >>共 14
explosion 38.71%
remnant 19.35%
status 6.45%
astronomer 3.23%
candidate 3.23%
collapse 3.23%
discovery 3.23%
evidence 3.23%
flash 3.23%
result 3.23%
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