1.   As the super collider would have done, the LHC will smash protons in search of a theoretical particle called the Higgs boson.

2.   Common sense would suggest the economy of this historic town would be as buried and lifeless as the empty tunnels of the ill-fated superconducting super collider.

3.   First Congress kills our own bird nest on the ground by pulling the plug on the multibillion dollar superconducting super collider.

4.   Funding was cut, with many opponents calling the superconducting super collider a boondoggle.

5.   Last year, with memories of the super collider debacle still fresh, Congress almost slashed federal support for the linear collider design effort.

6.   Schwitters said his new effort will use technology once considered for the super collider.

7.   That is one obvious lesson of the super collider, which was widely viewed as a U.S. national project that later came begging for foreign contributions.

8.   The best instrument to pursue this research, a huge particle smasher known as the superconducting super collider, suffered an early death.

9.   The tunnel is the one that was to become the superconducting super collider but was never finished because Congress cut its funding.

10.   In return for contributions, scientists from non-European countries will be able to carry out experiments on the super collider.

a. + collider >>共 9
super 40.00%
superconducting 20.00%
linear 12.00%
new 8.00%
able 4.00%
european 4.00%
first 4.00%
ill-fated 4.00%
old 4.00%
super + n. >>共 414
heavyweight 4.82%
middleweight 4.33%
bantamweight 3.54%
league 3.54%
hero 2.36%
welterweight 2.07%
regional 1.77%
featherweight 1.77%
model 1.57%
glue 1.57%
collider 0.98%
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